We care about you

Care to Win

We'll help take God into your heart


Saturday 7th of September 2024 Evangelism Ministry 

The Mission of Our Evangelism Ministry

We exist to live like Christ Day by Day and lead people to know and experience the Love of God.

Reaching and influencing our community for righteousness via evangelism is our primary objective in order to maintain a thriving church.

Every member is responsible for evangelism. Members of our church attempt to participate in the lives of their friends, neighbours, and coworkers. We accomplish this in a unique, non-intrusive manner and invite them to see and experience our services, activities, and events. We view ourselves as ambassadors for Jesus, actively seeking opportunities to share the gospel within our circles of influence. This is our purpose--to win your heart to God, our Creator.

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Service Hours

Excluding special circumstances and holidays, our normal hours are:

  • Bible Study   5:00pm Saturdays
  • Church Service   10:30am Sundays
  • Prayer Meeting   8:00pm Wednesdays
Church Profile

Day by Day Christian Ministries Mississauga is a church plant of ImmanuEL Christian Ministries, being both under the organization of the Church Planting Ministries Inc., and an affiliate of the Canadian National Baptist Convention in Canada. We are a church that adheres to the doctrines of an Evangelical Churches.