Becoming a Generous People

Becoming a Generous People

One person gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty. 25 A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed. 26 People curse the one who hoards grain, but they pray God’s blessing on the one who is willing to sell. 27 Whoever seeks good finds favor, but evil comes to one who searches for it. 28 Those who trust in their riches will fall, but the righteous will thrive like a green leaf. God is the ultimate Giver, and in gratitude, we’re to imitate Him. As He provides us with material wealth and possessions, we become channels through whom He blesses others and carries out His work on earth. Becoming a generous person begins with biblical thinking:

  • Remember our heavenly Father’s goodness and love, which prompted Him to send His Son to die in our place. He did this to provide us with the riches of eternal life.
  • Acknowledge that God owns all the world’s resources, and whatever you have is a gift from His hand.
  • Release your grip on earthly wealth. Then trust the Lord to meet your needs, and share generously.
  • Realize the church is a means not only for spreading the gospel but also for helping the needy and supporting those in ministry.
  • Invest your time, talent, and treasure in God’s kingdom. As followers of Christ, we’re to give faithfully to the local church and those in need.

By generously offering back to the Lord a portion of all He’s given us, we’ll experience genuine joy, peace, and security. These blessings are of far greater value than anything the material world has to offer.

Service Hours

Excluding special circumstances and holidays, our normal hours are:

  • Bible Study   5:00pm Saturdays
  • Church Service   10:30am Sundays
  • Prayer Meeting   8:00pm Wednesdays
Church Profile

Day by Day Christian Ministries Mississauga is a church plant of ImmanuEL Christian Ministries, being both under the organization of the Church Planting Ministries Inc., and an affiliate of the Canadian National Baptist Convention in Canada. We are a church that adheres to the doctrines of an Evangelical Churches.