Bible Reference




1Therefore, holy brothers and sisters, partners in a heavenly calling, take note of Jesus, the apostle and high priest whom we confess, 2who is faithful to the one who appointed him, as Moses was also in God’s house. 3For he has come to deserve greater glory than Moses, just as the builder of a house deserves greater honor than the house itself! 4For every house is built by someone, but the builder of all things is God. 5Now Moses was faithful in all God’s house as a servant, to testify to the things that would be spoken. 6But Christ is faithful as a son over God’s house. We are of his house, if in fact we hold firmly to our confidence and the hope we take pride in.7Therefore, as the Holy Spirit says, “Oh, that today you would listen as he speaks! 8Do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion, in the day of testing in the wilderness.9There your fathers tested me and tried me, and they saw my works for forty years.10Therefore, I became provoked at that generation and said, ‘Their hearts are always wandering, and they have not known my ways.’11As I swore in my anger, ‘They will never enter my rest!’” 12See to it, brothers and sisters, that none of you has an evil, unbelieving heart that forsakes the living God. 13But exhort one another each day, as long as it is called “Today,” that none of you may become hardened by sin’s deception. 14For we have become partners with Christ, if in fact we hold our initial confidence firm until the end. 15As it says, “Oh, that today you would listen as he speaks! Do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion.” 16For which ones heard and rebelled? Was it not all who came out of Egypt under Moses’ leadership?17And against whom was God provoked for forty years? Was it not those who sinned, whose dead bodies fell in the wilderness? 18And to whom did he swear they would never enter into his rest, except those who were disobedient? 19So we see that they could not enter because of unbelief.

Service Hours

Excluding special circumstances and holidays, our normal hours are:

  • Bible Study   5:00pm Saturdays
  • Church Service   10:30am Sundays
  • Prayer Meeting   8:00pm Wednesdays
Church Profile

Day by Day Christian Ministries Mississauga is a church plant of ImmanuEL Christian Ministries, being both under the organization of the Church Planting Ministries Inc., and an affiliate of the Canadian National Baptist Convention in Canada. We are a church that adheres to the doctrines of an Evangelical Churches.